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"Underneath our familial heritage, underneath our gender, underneath our race, underneath our sexual preferences, we are all the same. We all share the oneness, the allness that is God. Underneath our various veneers, we are one. When we are healed of our petty thoughts, prejudices, and attitudes, we can finally realize this wondrous Truth of our being." Joan Gattuso, 'Toward Living the Abundant Life'
New Thoughts for a New Millennium - Michael A. Maday, editor

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WE ARE FEMALE (song) Previous | Next
Link: <img src=" are female.jpg">
Description: Lyrics
Source: Kosmic Balance Album
Owner/creator: Starr* Saffa
Comment: The lyrics inspire women and men to remember the divinity withing the Female aspect of humanity and creatio.
Starr* Saffa

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