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Judith O.

Bancroft, Ontario,

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Conscious Evolution - Santa Barbara
Evolutionary Women
Additional information available STANDING WOMEN
Additional information available Evolutionary Women: Dec 08 Gathering

I had a dance studio for many years and I have evolved from teaching dance steps to "dancing with spirit", hence the name of my company and the workshops that I facilitate. I am a Spiritual Mentor, Reiki Master and Channel. I activate and empower people to "feel" their Divine Essence and live their truth from within.

My Dream
Living in a world where everyone is fed, housed, loved, supported and acknowledged for their unique gifts and talents.

I am a mother and grandmother and I am dedicated to creating a world of harmony and love to support our children, grandchildren and all the children to come to be able to live in peace and joy.

Travelling where I am guided by Spirit to anchor light and meet people to support us all in creating a world of harmony. I am feeling very called to California, so will drive down from Canada in January. I have been travelling for the past 2 years through North American and Mexico and I am currently writing a number of books to share the experiences and wisdom I have gathered.


I have a daughter and a son, and three grandchildren with another on the way. I am a Spiritual Mentor and Reiki Master and I have been traveling throughout North America devoting my life to facilitating people's connection to their Divine Essence. It is from that place deep inside us that we are able to create peace and harmony from within, that then manifests in our own lives and energetically reverberates out to our whole world. That is how we make a difference - by creating a resonate energy field that others can then just step into and align with. I also belong to a wonderful organization "Imagine The Good, www.imaginethegood.com. who are currently producing a feature length documentary "The Heart to Lead - Women as Allies for the Greater Good". They are a group of women who have answered the call to step out of their everyday lives and change the world. That is what you are doing with Standing Women and I feel honoured and inspired to be part of your dream and to share it with others.

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