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"Experienced spiritual researchers know what strength they gain by always looking for the good in everything and withholding their critical judgment. This practice should not remain simply an outer rule of life, but must take hold of the innermost part of the soul."
How To Know Higher Worlds: A Modern Path of Initiation - Rudolf Steiner

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Adriana d.

A'dum, Friesland,

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I'm almost 50 years old and I'm interested in ancient herstory, spirituallity and inner peace. Unfortunately I lost my physical health, but got a clear mind and love to think things over and learn that way. I'm alone with my cats, dog and birdy, but a happy person trying to add something positive to this world. I hope to do so here.

My Dream
My dream is that every woman may remember who she really is: She's from the beginning, and she's a life-giver, through birth and mothering, but also through caring and sharing. That she may feel the sparkle of LIGHT allways ! Knowing she's connected with The Greater ONE, not especially only a male, but certainly also a Goddess!

My dream is that all seperateness from her past, her memories, her inner knowledge and believes, may waste into nothing and she rememberes her splendour again and will never accept again that men will see her less than she is.

That she may be respected and freed from useless bounderies made by men to keep her small and will be given the space and time to become who she is. And we know: whenever a woman becomes her glorious self everyone will benefit of it.

So ... why exactly are men afraid of her ? Are they afraid things will go better ? What a silly thing to be afraid off ! To be afraid of Peace, to be afraid Kindness, to be afraid of Good Health, to be afraid of a Good Living, to be afraid of Enough Food and Water, to be afraid of a Healthy Environment, to be afraid of Caring and Sharing, to be afraid of Looking in the Eyes and know: I'm happy you exist ! To be afraid of Knowing the Rules of How to Live on Earth Healthy and Peacefull. They rather run to war !

May we find ourselves and may we drag along with us into the new peaceful world the frightened fearful men and teach them the original laws on how to live together in peace and health forever and ever ! Amen ! Namaste !

My interests are: getting along with others in an uplifting way, support them in developping skills, creativity and talents. And so teach myself how to be able to be there for others. I'm seeking knowledge to comfirm myself, believing: in knowing myself I know the other, hoping that by sharing my knowledge others might be uplifted by the knowledge aswell. So, for me and other women to become stronger, closer to whom they are and being able to give their incredible gifts, I sought for ancient herstory, for inner peace and would love to share about these things with others. About Ancient Herstory: Annine vd Meer wrote several books about women in ancient times and started a school so women can learn about their female past. Allthough she's living in Holland and her books are written in dutch, her books are translated in english aswell. In the early nineties I bought several books from Marija Gimbutas, a knowledge about female herstory that filled a gap of emptiness that was a hole in my soul called ignorance. Their are many more women suffering depression than men and Adrienne Rich said, that depression is lack of knowledge, and I believe that to be completely true. In the nineties I felt useless as a woman. Everything around me was build by men, I wondered where women's touch has been left, as I felt that women had had more power and done in the past than I had learned at school. And there the answers came: The language of the Goddess and Gimbutas other books. And it was like my unconsious knowledge was opened up to me again. My memory started to heal, to become on the surface and the only reason why I didn't see women's touch in everything was, because men had covered it with their creations, and it was up to me to look underneath to find females influences. Both Marija Gimbutas and Annine van der Meer are women who bring back our memory to us again, and with the memory the original knowledge of how to live on earth healthy and in peace. (Look for more info under * About Ancient Herstory). In the late nineties a precious singer died: John Denver. There was something about him that I had to learn more about and so I learned about Attitunial Healing from his friends Jerry Jampolsky and Diana Cirincione. The 12 principles from Attitunal Healing were like coming home. It confirmed inside what I had known all the time, but nobody spoke about it. These principles gave me self-confidence: I knew that how I had thought and acted had been right all the time and now I got the 'rules' written in black and white. (You can find more about Attitudinal Healing under * About Inner Peace). And so I love to share the following websites: * About Ancient Herstory: - PanSophia from Annine vd Meer * Marija Gimbutas: - About Marija Gimbutas (on Belili Productions): - A documentary about M.Gimbutas (Belili Productions): * About Inner Peace: - Attitudinal Healing (at Corstone) - The 12 Principles (on Att.Healing Int.)


I'm Adriana de Jong, 49 years old, from The Netherlands. I wonder if there are more women from Holland on GTW. Europe is a diverse place, but deep in the woman's heart and mind there is a common knowledge that connects us all. This inner knowledge is also the base for a healthy environment and a peacefull way of living. But it's not on the surface and we must find ourselves to bring the knowledge into the world again. For a long time I went this road alone, but now I found the circles filled with other women like me. I hope to learn from you and hope that my thoughts will be usefull for you, too, and to build up a strong awareness of our possibillities and how to make it work in the world. Please forgive me if my english is not perfect, but I hope I am able to make clear what I want to share, and I hope that what I share will build you up ! Namaste !

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