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From: Judith W.
Date: Sunday, February 6, 2011, 1:03 PM
Subject: An update on the journey of a living space
Reply to: 271522
ID: 271524

I couldn't figure out how to post a message from the blog, so here it is: You're awesome, Andrea! Thank you for being you! Wish I could send the entire amount, but breakfast is a start. :-)

Much love, Judith

--- On Sun, Feb 6, 2011, in msg271522, Andrea Hylen wrote ---

Hello dear Sisters,

I continue to share the journey in here.

I am going to continue to blog about this. I understand now that part of my experience is for unearthing some old junk around money and valuing my gifts and there are a few pieces of money business that have surfaced that I must complete. I also understand that I am being guided to speak so that it stirs whatever it needs to in each of us.

I have received public and private messages in response to the eviction post. Some women have experienced foreclosure, bankruptcy, job loss, business loss and eviction in the last few years and have felt wounds and shame from them. I am voicing the journey and helping them to heal the pain. Every single woman who wrote to me had been involved in a project she had devoted herself to, which brought forth some incredible offering to the world, and the money stopped flowing.

Some are angry with me for talking about it, for shining a light on the cockroaches and for being "irresponsible."

Some have asked how they can help, what can they do? Some have offered prayers and wanted to take up a collection. I asked for prayers so that clarity would emerge. Every day I am being guided to something or someone and I honor the process of it all.

After walking with a friend and processing yesterday, I wrote another blog. In the blog, I gave people a simple way to donate money, if they feel called to do that. I appreciate all of the feelings and emotions and awakenings this is stirring in people. If not in Evolutionary Women, where we know we are consciously evolving, where else can we be this honest and raw?

Everything that is happening to one of us, is happening to all of us. Our own soul and inner knowing will lead us to what we are each to experience from this.


In love and gratitude for the journey...


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