Love Radiance Intention Go to your Light Center
"The constructions of culture, the moral and esthetic laws that we fashion and revere, though shot through with human frailty, ignorance, and local variation, are actually fashioned in response to a divine presence always imperfectly known, but THERE to witness and measure the justice in our answer to its call."
Origins of the Sacred - Dudley Young

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From: Verronika W.
Date: Monday, July 7, 2008, 10:00 AM
Subject: Ho'oponopono
Reply to: 264889
ID: 262371

Dear S*ace the Ho´0ponopono is just for any attachment and the beinge triggered by anything like the "kite runner"... and here you go into connection with the divine source and ask for forgiving yourself that there still is a part within you that needs to be different.... or for the still being triggered... i have and had great results with ho´oponopono.... but there are many roads to wherever... like the journey like ... sending a loving song song love you vero - nika

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