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"Spiritual knowledge, if it's genuine, if it's transmitted correctly, will quicken a human's nature. Spiritual information should help humans find their bearings in life; it would kindle within a deeper love, more understanding. The results are actual life and not dead theory; they come alive in a person and lead one to the whole Anthropos, the complete human."
The Imagination of Pentecost: Rudolf Steiner & Contemporary Spirituality - Richard Leviton

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The Living Word of Kuan Yin: Teachings & Prophecie

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Link: <img src="">
Description: Goddess Kuan Yin
Source: Hope Bradford
Comment: "If every human being could recognize the power of the love and forgiveness principle all consciousness on earth would change instantly. Indeed, thoughts can change the course of history. Sometimes, all it takes is enough people knowing about a certain concept.”
Hope Bradford

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