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"We're here to learn to love more fully, to be God or angels in disguise for one another, to show our love, to show our compassion, to be active in creation. That is the reason and the meaning behind our lives. Each of us has a choice about how to love the world in our unique way." Bernie Siegel, M.D., 'Heart Lessons'
Handbook for the Heart, Original Writings on Love - Richard Carlson and Benjamin Shield, editors

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Floating Feather

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Description: Feather Floating Effortlessly
Source: Hope Bradford
Comment: “Rapid changes are coming,” portends Kuan Yin. “It’s an urgent time for energies to evolve. I don’t think of it as a happy time, however it is an opportunity for some to propel themselves into a kind of purification. The process is being sped up, an acceleration creating awe-inspiring changes affecting every aspect of life. There are a group of souls who are using this time to help propel them forward. “This process can be compared to a ship catching the wind in a certain way. Those catching t
Hope Bradford

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