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"The archetypes represent the uniquely human means whereby instinctual, biological energy is transformed into the meaningful symbolic life of the human psyche." J. J. Clarke
The Strong Eye of Shamanism, A Journey Into the Caves of Consciousness - Robert E. Ryan, Ph.D.

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32 messages online

No Date Subject From
1 11/2/08 Circle Campaign Bruce S.
Good morning. As all these forces continue to coalesce, I'm finding myself drawn into the emerging vision of "transpartisan" politics. There's a good web site on this theme, and a conference coming up in February. There's a lot to this, and a lot of different forces involved. One thing I have done is develop a proposal . . . [More]
2 7/11/08 Circles / women / interfaith Bruce S.
Bonnie was over here today. That was fun -- we had a lot to talk about. One exciting thing -- is that TODAY (it seems, if I keep moving), we are going to get our fervently-to-be-hoped-for 501c3 non-profit IRS tax exempt status application out the door and in the mail. The IRS says you can complete this application in 10 hours -- but it took me 4 days, and I've been procrastinating for . . . [More]
3 5/30/08 Gaiafield Jonathan S.
Namaste everyone, I received an email from: and wanted to share what they are doing with all of you. Peace, Jonathan
4 5/29/08 The Sacred Circle Jonathan S.
Here is another link worth exploring too. --- On Thu, May 29, 2008, in msg264057, Jonathan Stemer wrote --- Namaste Bruce and everyone, Here is a quote from the research of Michael Garofalo ( ) who has gathered a lot of information . . . [More]
5 5/29/08 The Sacred Circle Jonathan S.
Namaste Bruce and everyone, Here is a quote from the research of Michael Garofalo ( ) who has gathered a lot of information about Sacred Circles and Spheres. On his webpage, he has photographs of the sacred circle that he and his wife, Karen have been creating on their property in Red Bluff, CA near Mt. Shasta. "A Sacred Circle is a group of people who sit in a circle, in th . . . [More]
6 5/28/08 Worldwide Movement Jonathan S.
Namaste Bruce, Ann and everyone, Here is a brief article that speaks about the sacred circle from the Native American tradition that seems relevant to the evolutionary unfoldment that is taking place. --- On Tue, May 27, 2008, in msg2 . . . [More]
7 5/28/08 Theology of Circles: Vision for a Renaissance Bruce S.
This statement is offered as a co-creative invitation to further discussion.
What is a "Circle"?
For purposes of this discussion, a "circle" is a group of people meeting together as a group, usually in person and "face-to-face", and actually arranged in a physical circle (such as a circle of chairs). The "circle process" describes the way this meeting is con . . . [More]
8 5/28/08 Women's Circles - Interfaith Circles Bruce S.
A beautiful clear balmy morning in Santa Barbara -- I am continuing to feel this pull -- towards "conjunction" -- towards a kind of intersection of traditions and movements -- My own instincts have been strongly interfaith for years. I am a "spiritual" kind of person -- and I want to see spirit brought into the world, in effective and authentic ways -- and I have always felt that inte . . . [More]
9 5/27/08 Connection and Circles Jonathan S.
Dear Bruce, Ann and everyone, Thank you for sharing the information about circles. I've been working with mandalas for many years and inherent in this sacred circle cross culturally is the deep intuitive knowing that the circle represents wholeness. Regardless of the presenting issue that my clients bring in to counseling/therapy, when I show them a book filled with mandalas for them t . . . [More]
10 5/27/08 Worldwide Movement Bruce S.
Dear Ann -- Dear Everyone -- hi again from Santa Barbara... As always, thanks for being here. Ann, thanks so much for this substantial introduction and review. I do want to take a few minutes very soon, to respond with some detail as regards the particulars. My own approach to circles is much more recent, and comes from some slightly different angles -- but I think the conjunction is i . . . [More]

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