Guiding Circles Go to your Light Center
"We have only to go down to the shore and look out at the great rushing in and falling back of the sea to see that the force of a wave is determined by each particle within its mass, and that all these particles cumulate to provide the thrust of the tidal whole."
The Sphinx and The Rainbow: Brain, Mind and Future Vision - David Loye

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We are exploring and comparing various concepts of "circle processes", as brought to us by our participants, and as found around the world in diverse cultures and emerging new frameworks.

  • Research and exploration into circle concepts, wherever they may be found
  • Comparison of alternative concepts and principles
  • Alignment of circle concepts along a scale ranging from "secular" to "sacred"
  • What are the consequences and implications for each type of circle?

Regarding the concept "Guiding Circles"

  • How is a circle process "guided"? By whom? In what way? What are the implications of the circle process for "leadership"?
  • How does a circle process become itself a form of guidance -- for the participants in the circle -- and perhaps for all those persons influenced by the circle?


  • How can circles be interconnected?
  • Can the circle process become a form of guidance (or "self-guidance") for a large organization or an entire society?

Freedom and independence

  • How is individual freedom or soverignty maintained in a collective/group process?
  • What is the relationship between the local and the global in a collective process? How is diversity maintained?
  • How does diversity enhance the power and vitality of the circle?


  • Is there a kind of "universal circle"? If so, what are its principles and practices?
  • Can "particular circles"be interconnected to one another through a universal circle, or something they have in common with a universal circle?


  • How do the contributions of the individual enhance the creative power of the circle, without compromise to the integrity of the circle, or the freedom and autonomy of the individual?

The Integral Circle

  • Is there a way for "all circles to come together into one circle"? Is this desirable? Is it possible?
  • If it is possible and desirable, how can the content of all the different levels and types of circle be held within this single container?

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