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"There is in reality one Mind….This Mind is the life, intelligence, power, and creativity in the entire universe."
Worldwide Laws of Life: 200 Eternal Spiritual Principles - John Marks Templeton

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Ani A. Click here to view LightPage
Santa Barbara, California, United States
I am a small dot . . . where everything comes together. I am a point . . . in a galactic dance with other dots and points moving toward a destination of our own making. I am a dot on the map of a new world forming as we speak, by our thoughts and intentions and by our openness to and cooperation with each other. The mystery, innocence and power of our synergy becomes a great coordinating process washing us onto a new shore of our collective hearts desires.

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Carolyn B. Click here to view LightPage
Barrie, Ontario, Canada

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Hillary H. Click here to view LightPage
Ang Thong, Koh Samui 84140, Surat Thani, Thailand

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Bonnie K. Click here to view LightPage
LA QUINTA, California, United States
I like to think that we are "illuminating the circuitry" of ourselves-- as Light Beings. This is happening as we connect with individuals globally who are consciously attuned to cocreating the planeteary awakening. I can imagine living in a world of pure awareness where we naturally acknowledge the fact that we are ONE BODY OF HUMANITY. Please visit for more information.

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Mark B. Click here to view LightPage
Santa Barbara, California, United States
I am a holistic medical doctor in the area of wellness medicine, and a spiritual seeker. I have long desired to live & work at the intersection of health & spirituality. My interest areas are all aspects of natural health & healing, food as medicine, sustainable & responsible food production, human potential & spirituality, music, dance & art, outdoor activities & conservation. I welcome your contact..

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Nina C. Click here to view LightPage
Santa Barbara, California, United States
As a relatively new member of the C.E. Community, and a serious introvert, I am seeking just that, a "community," not just of like-minded folks, but persons seeking to live in conscious,loving harmony with others. I know this will not be easy for me, for after being in company for a while, I want to run off to the dark seclusion of my cave. My "voice," up to now, has been through my writing and painting (I am in love with words and graphic images); now I want to learn to use my vocal cords and give sound to my words in the company of people who have the patience and loving respect to listen. I am a good listener and am interested in hearing all the diverse voices of my new community and bear witness to their souls' needs.

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Shalahna K. Click here to view LightPage
moved, California, United States

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Joya C. Click here to view LightPage
Sedona, Arizona, United States
Joya Comeaux, founder of the Family of Light World Peace Ministries (FOL), and author of AVE MARIA! Angels Sing a Journey to Remembrance. Hosting Women's Circles, AVE! Goddess Radio, Abundance Conferences, Global World Peace Media Summits, AVE! Movement, World Peace Productions, Live Broadcasts, online TV, magazine, and worldwide Women International Network.

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Ann S. Click here to view LightPage
Naples, Florida, United States
Co-founder and co-director of Circle Connections, a global hub for circle work, play, co-creativity and dreams. I have been blessed to have worked for the past thirty years around the world with women in Circles. I have been culturally enriched and nurtured in the Divine Feminine. Co-designing leadership programs and resources and training of circle facilitators gives me the greatest joy and sense of accomplishment. To see women and girls step into their feminine power is a dream come true. I love being part of the international women's spirituality movement as well as locally. Working both with grassroots women and girl's empowerment as well as with high level officials brings an integrative approach for sustainable change. Circle Connections sponsors the UN Women's Circles and support a UN 5WCW. Rhonda Hull, Caroline Ravelo and I are working with many partners in bringing nurturing online and in-person events where everyone fully participates and receives ongoing support. Our Circle Connections newsletter edited by Rosjke Helledine from the UK has circle stories, tips, resources and events. We have many exciting new plans ready to be given birth this coming year. Visit our website, join as a member and come join us in co-creating a new earth, one circle, one connection, one step at a time. Namaste!!! Ann Smith

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Linda S. Click here to view LightPage
Brooklyn, New York, United States
I have 2 daughters, 2 granddaughters and 1 grandson. I love digital photos & try to just collect those I like for my own pleasure. I used work about 40 hrs a week as a reservationist for a transport company. I booked trips for the disabled, ill and elderly to their various destinations. My employment enabled me to truly connect with others on a soul to soul basis & was adaptable to my life. I loved this job because I felt I was truly contributing a positive energy to a part of the population that needed love & help the most. Due to my ongoing physical ailments, I now need to earn my total income from home. This is saddening, as I truly did love to help those I booked trips for. Now I spend most of my time networking online, trying to find legitimate work from home opportunities. THE INTERNET HAS FINALLY PROVIDED ME A WAY TO EARN MY INCOME FROM MY HOME. THERE ARE WAYS TO DO THIS & I HAVE FOUND SOME SITES THAT ARE FUN & EASY TO WORK WITH WHILE EARNING. Join me at any of them if you care to.

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Jonathan S. Click here to view LightPage
Eugene, Oregon, United States
I am a soul who is gradually awakening moment by moment to the remembrance of who I am and why I am here on earth at this time... I am cultivating a relationship with the Divine spark of light within my heart and soul... I appreciate the childlike sense of wonder, awe and reverence for the Great Mystery and the beauty that is inside and all around us... I am a poetic mystic, a dreamer awakening within the dream, someone who believes in the power of imagination, and the importance of following one's intuitive guidance from within... I am a heart-centered person who likes communicating from the heart... I am here to discover and give of my gifts/talents and support and inspire others in discovering what they have to give as a contribution to the world... I am here to meet and connect with interesting creative inspiring imaginative people who are part of the global awakening and shift in consciousness happening all over the planet...

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Constance H. Click here to view LightPage
Huntington Beach, California, United States
it's time the soul takes the necessary steps forward, and i (little me) allows it to happen, instead of resisting the next step ... the soul wants out into the cosmic world of physical, and i'm no longer going to stand in its way!

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Tammy H. Click here to view LightPage
Marietta, Georgia, United States
I am a coach, catalyst and facilitator on a quest to create circles of community and growth for the sake of co-creating a better world.

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UNIVISIONS O. Click here to view LightPage
Hartselle, Alabama, United States

Hello and welcome, YOU are invited to visit and/or join UNIVISIONS SPIRIT CONNEXIONS, a caring place for sharing LOVE, LIGHT and INSPIRATION and fostering AWARENESS of our interconnected ONENESS with All that IS. WE are a portal of Universal Spiritual Networking from ALL cultures, beliefs, races and backgrounds - cultivating a SPIRIT OF LOVE and HARMONY seeing life as a UNIFIED, INTERCONNECTED WHOLE - our intentions are to honor and respect ALL LIFE universally while strengthening the BONDS that enable us to NURTURE, LOVE and SUPPORT each other. Dedicated to Awakening Consciousness, Spiritual Growth and Empowerment. Networking and Lightweaving to increase avenues of support and services, connecting Love-powered, heart-conscious individuals, groups, organizations and networks together for the benefit of all.

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Beth B. Click here to view LightPage
Rohnert Park (North SF Bay Region), California, United States
Beth Blevins is a core leader and Northbay regional coordinator for Gather the Women Global Matrix—an international, grassroots network of women and women’s organizations that share a belief that the time is now to activate the incredible power or women’s wisdom on a planetary scale. Beth is president of Project Solutions, a firm that provides technical and business writing, copy editing, and document processing to the hi-tech and biotech industries. In the community, she facilitates Hospice support groups and a Real Love group (which teaches principles for practicing unconditional love from the book Real Love by Greg Baer, MD). She meditates daily for world peace and is active in various circles and organizations working to create well-being and harmony on planet Earth. Beth follows a deeply spiritual path, which began as a clairvoyant child. Her life’s purpose is to be a connector of women and an agent for the return of the Sacred Feminine way. See her blog on the Sacred Feminine at

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Rosjke H. Click here to view LightPage
Bedford, Bedfordshire, United Kingdom
I'm Rosjke Hasseldine, psychotherapist and relationship consultant with an international private practice specialising in women and the mother-daughter relationship, author of "The Silent Female Scream" and founder and Director of Women's Power Circles Ltd, which is a social enterprise company whose core values maintain that feminine knowledge, wisdom and power are the most undervalued and underused resources in the world. They are also the most needed resource if we are to restore balance, love compassion and mutal respect to this world. Women's Power Circles and Girls Power Circles are small empowerment groups that teach girls and women how to live their lives on their terms. Women's Power Circles teach women how to facilitate their own power circles because we need to create a world where is it more normal that a girl or woman attends a power circle meeting than a Weight Watcher's meeting because checking in to see how strong and full of voice she feels inside is far more important than checking to see if she has lost weight. After my first book "The Silent Female Scream" was published, the vision for how to gather women to claim their voices, heal their souls after abuse and mistreatment, and reconnect with themselves, each other, and as mothers and daughters, came to me in a brillant flash. For more information check out and

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Joann K. Click here to view LightPage
Pennsylvania, United States

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Barry Circle T. Click here to view LightPage
Hollywood, California, United States
I support Uniting America and then the world by connecting so many people and projects into one big incredible circle process with a 13 tipi entourage for facilitating summits online and everywhere. I love people and community and especially children. I can be reached at

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Andrea B. Click here to view LightPage
Sarasota, Florida, United States
Andrea Blanch is President of the Center for Religious Tolerance, a nonprofit organization based in Sarasota, Florida. Her current activities include women’s interfaith peacework in the Holy Land and developing new models for healing societal trauma. She is helping to coordinate the interfaith circle for SWWC.

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Betsy G. S. Click here to view LightPage
Bearsville, New York, United States
Reverend Betsy Stang, M.A., is the Founder and Executive Director of The Wittenberg Center for Alternative Resources in Woodstock, NY. She is an interfaith Minister, counselor, and Earth Activist. She is the Presiding minister and Founder of the Center for The Living Earth, and directs the Center's Interfaith Seminary program. Betsy Co-Founded The Earth Reunion Project in 1990 which works with traditional wisdom keepers of Earth traditions from around the world. In 1993, she co-produced The Cry of the Earth: The Legacy of the First Nations Conference at the United Nations, where the tradition keepers of seven indigenous nations of North America presented their ancient prophecies to the United Nations for the first time in history. From 1993-2001 The Wittenberg Center co-sponsored Mending the Hoop of All Nations: With One Voice, One Heart, One Mind, One Prayer in Washington D.C. Betsy has been the Wittenberg Center's chief representative in its role as a non-government organization at the U.N., and co-founded the Earthkeepers working group which has helped to bring the voice of grassroots Earth based and indigenous representatives to UN conferences such as the Women's Summit, the World Summit on Social Development and the Commission on Sustainable Development. Over the past decades, Betsy has produced The Wittenberg Center's video archive project which has documented, preserved and distributed hundreds of hours of archival video material on environmental and indigenous concerns and issues. Betsy's background includes many years of photographic, film and video production and teaching. Her photographic work is included in numerous private and museum collections and her film credits include the Peabody award winning film on Charles Ives, A Good Dissonance Like A Man. Today, Betsy is continuing to explore how we can all join together with our gifts and talents to co-create new paradigms for coming together with one heart, one mind, one voice to create a sustainable, joyous future on this Earth for all our relations.

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