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From: Bruce S.
Date: Friday, July 11, 2008, 4:33 PM
Subject: Circles / women / interfaith
ID: 262506

Bonnie was over here today. That was fun -- we had a lot to talk about.

One exciting thing -- is that TODAY (it seems, if I keep moving), we are going to get our fervently-to-be-hoped-for 501c3 non-profit IRS tax exempt status application out the door and in the mail. The IRS says you can complete this application in 10 hours -- but it took me 4 days, and I've been procrastinating for 3 years.

So, that feels very empowering. My instinct says -- there is a TON of stuff we can do. We call ourselves The Interspirit Foundation -- -- and what is our primary initiative?

Well, this will come into crisp focus when I start knocking on doors. I think that's next. Hi, hello, how are you, we think your project is great, we want to be in co-creative relationship with you, and here are a bunch of reasons why, and here's what we suggest -- and ps, sign here...

Something like that.

Maybe the bottom line of what we are doing is -- building a co-creative resonant field -- with all the co-creative partners we can pull into the flow. Yes, we can sit around and wait for evolution to do it -- wait for the 100th monkey and all that stuff, wait until water does its molecular phase shift into steam. But the way I see it is -- we need to be conscious, articulate, intentional. There is a science to this, as well as an art. There is engineering. There is a vast avalanche of interconnectivity -- that is throbbing and pulsing with desire to come into coherent resonance. We can help.


On this and related themes, I've been doing some writing. This connection between interfaith and circles is -- I say -- important and powerful. It needs to be clarified, and articulated. We are wobbling towards a convergent intersection of these elements -- but why not do it on purpose? Is that too bold, too pushy? Let's figure out what we are doing. This touchy-feeley guesswork is too expensive. Too much blood-spatter. We need to master this stuff.

Here's a link to the article on interfaith theology and circles. Something in me says -- this is powerful. We need to articulate this conjunction.

Bonnie was saying somebody is going to interview her tomorrow -- on this theme of "women ruling the world." That reminded me of the new book by former Bill Clinton press secretary Dee Dee Meyers, "Why Women Should Rule the World". I just bought the book on Amazon -- and I took a couple of screen shots.

Look at this text. These are the critical themes:

Women are...

  • Better communicators
  • Better listeners
  • Better at forming consensus


  • Break down barriers
  • Build understanding
  • Create the best conditions for peace

Follow their lead, and...

  • Politics would be more collegial
  • Businesses would be more productive
  • Communities would be healthier

That's the deal. That's the "Spirit of Democracy" -- that I have been pushing for the last 2-3 years -- and which I feel Barack Obama represents so very well.

Here are those bookends from Dee Dee Meyers --

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